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About Us

Hello! My name is Jordan Brown, president of Mind Over Cancer Foundation. In August of 2020, I felt a lump in my right thigh. I think this is how most of our cancer stories begin. This was 9 years after I had a benign tumor in the same area. In October, we did a biopsy of the tumor. This is when the dates begin to blur. Time didn't slow down or speed up, it contorted. Almost folding onto itself. Receiving the phone call that I had cancer changed everything. Within a few days I met with my oncologist, Dr. Powers, who had this amazing plan to get me started on this new drug. I remember pacing the room before he walked in, heart racing, every scenario going through my head. The mental battle had already begun. After that, insurance denied the drug. They wanted me to do chemotherapy. My team of doctors and I disagreed. We decided to do radiation and removal of the tumor. Losing a large portion of my thigh changed what I could do physically. I had to learn how to walk again. Most importantly though, it affected me mentally. Bouts of depression and anxiety plagued me. Thankfully, I had a great support system and I found help.

A year later, in April of 2022, my cancer had spread to my groin. We knew there was a chance of return with no systematic treatment. I think one of my biggest worries was never being able to golf again with another surgery. Golf was something I was able to do that helped me mentally. It allowed me to get away from my daily worries of cancer and focus on something else. Luckily this time around, I was approved for my treatment through the Bayer patient assistance program. In six months, I was tumor free.

Throughout my journey I wanted to find a way to help others. Starting the Mind Over Cancer Foundation to help fighters and families with mental struggles is the way I want to make the world a better place. This is something I hope my son and people from future generations see how we can turn some of our darkest moments into positive actions. There were times I felt like I had no control. Being able to use this as a way to give people back some of the control they lost in their lives is something I hope to accomplish.

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